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UFO's, Sin, and a really good book

As I told you before this blog is not just about knitting or's about a knitted UFO (unfinished object). I am going to call this God's unfinished object. I notice that I have readers on this blog, yet no commenters...which is ok. I'm going to talk a little about myself today.
The Bible says we come into this world as sinners. Hard to believe. Tiny little bundles of joy...sinners? Soon that bundle of joy will learn to say no, when told not to do something that could be harmful to them, it will learn to lie, say mean things, hurt other people, and when they enter school...well, if you have children you already know. By the time they become teenagers and think they have the world in the palm of thier hand, parents are idiots, and of course God must have blessed them with some sort of special intelligence....and yes they rebel against all the things that remind them of thier parents, many times including God.
So are we all sinners? If you've ever lied, stolen something, used Gods name in vain, maybe you desire to have something a friend or an enemy of your's has, maybe you idolize money or jewelry, or cars, land, whatever the case may be. Possibly in your heart you have truely had horrible thoughts toward someone else, or lustful thoughts. At any rate any of these things make you a sinner. The Bible says so. Check out the 10 commandments. The very laws our government was based on.
Ok I'm not trying to preach to anyone here, I just want everyone to understand. I'm a sinner. Everyday I come to the Lord asking for his forgiveness. Not because he hasn't forgiven what I've already asked him to forgive...I just have a tendency to screw up a lot. Here's the thing. The Bible says that when we ask for forgiveness God throws our sins into the deepest sea, and as far as the east is from the west. You may question how far is the east from the west? It's as far as two outstretched nailscarred hands.
God gave his son to die for you and me. Now being a parent, That just boggles my mind! You see God has always wanted a relationship with us (humans) people that he created. Sin seperated us from him. It took God Sacrificing His only (ONLY) son, so that he could once again have a relationship with His own, me, and everyone else you know and don't know. When Jesus died, and then rose from the dead on the third day...the battle was one! All we have to do, is make the CHOICE to ask Jesus for forgiveness. In turn Jesus is our; our attorney. He goes to his father...God and represents you and me. Jesus tells God, how you/I have come with a broken spirit and a contrite heart, wanting and needing forgiveness. Jesus talks about how he shed his blood for you and me, and that we are forgiven. God picks up the gavel it falls with a bang, and our names are written in the lambs book of life.
Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God"
Ask for forgiveness today. He loves you. Who else do you know that woud die for you the way Jesus did?
Pick up a Bible and read it. I promise that none of this is painful.
I pray that God will touch the hearts of all who read today.
