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Dream On

Dream On...
Do you ever wish you had more cash to spend on yarn? I myself dream of winning the lottery, or miraculously finding a billion $$ hidden in the walls of my house or burried in the back yard. Hey! Everyone has to dream! For now I soothe my self knowing that I could slip into a coma at any time, and live in a dream world where every thing is made of yarn. The sky, the trees, everything! I would have all the yarn I need at my fingertips. Ahhh... All of my knitting friends on the web could be there, and we'd all live happily ever-after. Don't come apart on me now! You know I love you all!
Does anyone ever pay attention to politcs at all? Notice how all of our presidents are completely white headed at the end of their terms? Personally I think all presidents should be required to take up knitting upon becoming president. That's right, rub the ear-lobes and knit. They would relieve stress, and who knows we might end up with a pres. who is not completely white headed when they leave office.
I get tired of the whole Democrat/Republican thing. I believe we should all become Republicrats. I can see Chelsea Clinton marrying a Bush and my dream for a perfect world coming true. Yes, we could all live in a Pro-life, environmentally safe world. Everyone has medical insurance, and the country gets out of debt. The people make tons of money, which means we can all buy(drum roll), YARN!
It could be a perfect world!

© 2006
