Sooooo very addicted to knitting. The look, The feel, the smell of yarn. Needles clicking... My drug of choice!Of couse no-one can understand, unless they are an addicted knitter themselves. Yes! I spend my days tying knots in string! Who knew one could be so easily amused.Twas just a little girl when I learned at G-Ma's knee.Diagnosed at 35 with an annoying, to say the least, disease called Multiple Sclerosis.With my first major excacerbation I lost a ton of memory. The ability to knit included. I tried and tried to re-conquer this thing called knitting, without much success. Now, from looking at pictures from my child-hood I know that G-Ma taught me using the english method. I was about to give up, when one night I had an amazing dream! I dreamed I was knitting! It seemed to be backwards and some how wrong, but when I awoke, I grabbed my yarn and needles, and started knitting in this upside-down backward method I had dreamt about. I now know that it is the continental method of knitting. Yes my "Beautiful Mind" figured it out. In the Last 8 mos. I have managed 4 scarves, 3 hats, a purse, 1 pair of fingerless gloves 2 sweaters a blanket, and a pillow. Whew! It was fun, and the list continues to grow. I will let this be my intro for now, and I will see you soon...In the Blog zone...
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