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Showing posts from 2007

New MIllenium Psalm

Lord who am I without you? Just a whisper on the wind a broken piece of timber a rolling stone no use at all You fill my heart my soul my mind strangely usefull once again a soul that calls your name a might oak Branches raised to praise your name a mountain that must be climbed so I can touch your HOLY FACE no description webster has for what my heart desires stand before all nations and sing of your marvelous grace If only I a whipper whill whom one stops to listen still they will hear and know in brief that you are God and you alone can save a heart Jehovova Rohi save thier Souls Sasa Smith © October 4, 2007

UFO's, Sin, and a really good book

As I told you before this blog is not just about knitting or's about a knitted UFO (unfinished object). I am going to call this God's unfinished object. I notice that I have readers on this blog, yet no commenters...which is ok. I'm going to talk a little about myself today. The Bible says we come into this world as sinners. Hard to believe. Tiny little bundles of joy...sinners? Soon that bundle of joy will learn to say no, when told not to do something that could be harmful to them, it will learn to lie, say mean things, hurt other people, and when they enter school...well, if you have children you already know. By the time they become teenagers and think they have the world in the palm of thier hand, parents are idiots, and of course God must have blessed them with some sort of special intelligence....and yes they rebel against all the things that remind them of thier parents, many times including God. So are we all sinners? If you've ever lied, stolen so...

When the going gets tough...Pray.

Wow! I have had so many emotionally draining days recently... I have found myself on my knees talking to the only one I know can fix all... several timesas of late. I had a dream once, not very long ago. I dreamed that someone I loved was standing on the edge of a rapidly flooding river. The edge broke off and this person fell into the tumultuous waters, crying for help. I ran to the edge, ready to dive in and save this person. The waters carried all kinds of debri, even cars, portions of homes. I dropped to my knees and cried out to God, Praying with all my heart and soul. I woke up, got out of the bed, got on my knees and began to pray. God let me know through that dream that I couldn't save anyone. Only he could, but I would have to pray. That was what was/is required of me. My father has cancer. It has now become bone cancer. In the last week he has been in the hospital 3 times. Once for a blood transfusion. We share the same birthday...and on November the 27th we will have sha...
Dipped in Hell This is what it is To be Dipped in Hell Death rings its toll… Tossed on waves Without control Thrown up on shore Like nothing more… Than discarded Crumpled Paper Eyes that blankly stare With nothing there… Yet a heart still beats Beneath the looks Of A corpse complete The flames do burn With consuming worms Screams and cries From Deep inside Thrown up on shore Like nothing more… Than discarded Crumpled Paper Eyes that blankly stare With nothing there… This is what it is To be Dipped in Hell Sasa Smith ©2007

Dream On

Dream On... Do you ever wish you had more cash to spend on yarn? I myself dream of winning the lottery, or miraculously finding a billion $$ hidden in the walls of my house or burried in the back yard. Hey! Everyone has to dream! For now I soothe my self knowing that I could slip into a coma at any time, and live in a dream world where every thing is made of yarn. The sky, the trees, everything! I would have all the yarn I need at my fingertips. Ahhh... All of my knitting friends on the web could be there, and we'd all live happily ever-after. Don't come apart on me now! You know I love you all! Does anyone ever pay attention to politcs at all? Notice how all of our presidents are completely white headed at the end of their terms? Personally I think all presidents should be required to take up knitting upon becoming president. That's right, rub the ear-lobes and knit. They would relieve stress, and who knows we might end up with a pres. who is not completely white headed wh...

One Fractured Mind

One Fractured Mind The endless depths of the mind Fractures tears Memories Plummeting to the bottoms And then Disappearing Chaotic twists of fate Nothing can be changed At least not for now So they say Each day I awake Sending my mind Through the most rigorous Of exercise routines Until all cries for mercy And yet it's not enough And when nobodies looking I cry to the heavens WHY! I just want to be normal There are days when everything's Good And then there are days… When all is wrong I feel my self teetering on the edge Of absolutely nowhere God! Please… Bring me back Sasa Smith © 2007

Enter the World of everthing Sasa

Sooooo very addicted to knitting. The look, The feel, the smell of yarn. Needles clicking... My drug of choice!Of couse no-one can understand, unless they are an addicted knitter themselves. Yes! I spend my days tying knots in string! Who knew one could be so easily amused.Twas just a little girl when I learned at G-Ma's knee.Diagnosed at 35 with an annoying, to say the least, disease called Multiple Sclerosis.With my first major excacerbation I lost a ton of memory. The ability to knit included. I tried and tried to re-conquer this thing called knitting, without much success. Now, from looking at pictures from my child-hood I know that G-Ma taught me using the english method. I was about to give up, when one night I had an amazing dream! I dreamed I was knitting! It seemed to be backwards and some how wrong, but when I awoke, I grabbed my yarn and needles, and started knitting in this upside-down backward method I had dreamt about. I now know that it is the continental method of k...

Sasa The Knitting Poet's Intro...

This is jus a little intro into the world of everything Sasa. Yes I love to knit, but this blog is about more than just knitting. It's about the life that I'm knitting. I'm a poet of sorts. Some of my poetry is good...some...not so. I will let you be the judge. Well this is just the beginning. there is much more to come... I live a very a very complicated life. Not exactly picture perfect. Come join me on this special journey.